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Woods Walk with Foundation for Sustainable Forests

Woods Walk with Foundation for Sustainable Forests

WoodsWalk image YOT
Date: Saturday, May 11
Time: 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Age: Adults
Location: Nature Center
FREE, pre-registration preferred

Foundation for Sustainable Forests staff will discuss threats to the region's forests and the tools to address them while simultaneously managing the woods for sustainably harvested forest products. They will also discuss an ongoing partnership with the National Aviary to understand how our management impacts songbird abundance and diversity. This walk will be at a relaxed pace, but wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to walk at least 2 miles.

Save time by signing the waiver online.

Sign Waiver

The Foundation for Sustainable Forests is a charitable land trust and outreach organization that protects forested ecosystems and supports communities through working forests. FSF practices and promotes "ecological forestry" to benefit forest health and resilience and partners with landowners throughout the region to secure their legacy of conservation and thoughtful management.