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Volunteer Spotlight : Brian Beebe


BrianBebee Blog v2Volunteer Spotlight :
Brian Beebe, Finding a Natural Fit

Asbury Woods volunteer Brian Beebe hasn’t lived in the Erie area since the late 1970’s but that hasn’t stopped him from making a big commitment to his former hometown.  He was first introduced to Asbury Woods two decades ago when he was in Erie visiting his parents and they brought him here for a hike.  He immediately fell in love with the flora and fauna as well as the topography of the property.  Brian shares, “Since that initial visit, I have tried to incorporate a visit to Asbury Woods each time I’m in Erie.” 

When Brian retired in 2021 he decided to escape the Texas heat for a portion of the year and began spending the summer months in Erie.  Brian noted, “In Houston I volunteer for a group that builds trails and removes invasive trees and plants in wetlands in the area.  I found I could do the same type of work at Asbury Woods during my summers here and signed up to be a volunteer.”  Since that time, he’s been hard at work on a weekly basis helping to remove invasive species and other outdoor projects at Asbury Woods. 

Brian likes volunteering at Asbury Woods because he gets to be around like-minded individuals whose goal is simply to improve this wonderful natural setting we have right here in our own backyard.  Brian states that, “Asbury Woods offers opportunities to anyone who wants to get involved in outdoor and nature activities. Your area of interest may not be the same as mine. Perhaps you like flower gardening, trail maintenance, working with birds, hiking or winter activities but if you engage one of the staff about your interest in volunteering at Asbury Woods, discuss your interests with them and I am certain they will find a "natural" fit for you.”